The relationship between affect, spatiality and pedagogical appropriation has in recent years received increased scholarly attention. In this article, a sociological-psychoanalytical exploration of historical praxis in German memory culture across pedagogical sites highlights the importance of absent historical discourses in determining collective understanding of memory, space, affect and subsequent ideation of empathy (or the lack of the same). Drawing primarily from Deleuzean and Lefebvrian premises, this brief reflection sheds light on the minutiae associated with selective remembrance and colonial amnesia. It examines how a fractured memory culture cross-pollinates with the inability to construct learning environments that draw upon collective mnemonic experience as multidirectional praxis, and is thus incapacitated of indulging in considerate treatment of traumatic memory as an advent point to move towards collectivised reparation.
Keywords: Pedagogy, Space, Colonial, History education, German memory culture, Reparation